Recent Talks

David Hewitt: Colossians (part 1)

David introduces some studies on Paul’s letter to the Colossians, from Chapter 1, vs 3-20. He produced a handout with three versions side by side: the New Living Translation and the Mirror and the Passion paraphrases.

Rachel Hewitt: Thankfulness

Rachel had originally felt that the theme of the Next Wave in November 2024 should be Thankfulness, and on the Sunday morning before the community meal shared on the amazing benefits of a thankful heart (with a short extract from the Muppets Christmas Carol, Copyright Walt Disney Pictures 1992)

Steve Virgo: Next Wave meditation (Sunday)

On the Sunday morning at the Next Wave weekend of creative worship, Steve led us in a meditation around the theme of the bread and wine (NB recorded from Zoom – sound quality is not great and may require volume to be increased. At times he had to put down the mic to demonstrate a […]

Alice Townsend: Healing!

Alice shares the wonderful story of how she was recently healed, no longer confined to travelling with a wheelchair. She was radient!

John Clancy: Opened Eyes

John shared during the creative worship at the Next Wave weekend.

Ania & Gregor Stosik: Next Wave worship

A snippet of some of the free flowing worship at the Next Wave, as Ania sang of ‘living in the grace of one day’, accompanied by her husband on the piano.

Steve Virgo: Next Wave meditation (Saturday)

Steve led us into a healing encounter with the Father (NB recorded from Zoom – sound quality is not great and may require volume to be increased)

John Clancy: Freedom from Performance

On the Saturday evening of the Next Wave, John shared some recent thoughts – so encouraging – which led into a time of ‘drunken communion’.

An excerpt of Next Wave worship

The Next Wave gathered around the theme ‘Dwelling in Rest’, and on the Friday evening Marjory Morrow began to free-wheel around delight in our union with the Lord, joined by Ania Stosik. Marjory also added some thoughts from some recent contemplation.

Bill Vanderbush: Living through the Last Adam

Bill Vanderbush was with us on the Sunday before the Kingmakers conference at Carberry Tower (with several visitors also joining us). He gave a very clear presentation of the Gospel of our inclusion in Christ!

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