Recent Talks

David Hewitt: Prayer & Warfare?

David shares some thoughts on prayer and warfare, in the light of current circumstances in the Community

David Hewitt on ‘Joy’

David shares on a key aspect of our birthright in Christ…..and ends with a ‘joy tunnel’

David Hewitt – Foundations Pt2 2nd Aug 2015

This completes the last 7 minutes of the talk

David Hewitt – Foundations Pt1 2nd Aug 2015

David explores the foundations of our relationship with God, as sons & daughters, sharing personal experience of how this has helped him in life’s ups & downs. (Note: the recording was interrupted by accident, and Pt2 completes the talk)

Baxter Kruger Sunday 21st June

Sunday gathering with Wellsprings Community: Baxter set up 3 chairs representing the Trinity with a 4th distant chair representing how some have sadly perceived G.O.D. He shared deeply on the treasure we have in the New Testament message – particularly Peter, Paul and John – with the mystery that ‘before we were lost in Adam we were found in […]

Baxter Kruger ‘Dare to be Loved’ Session 8

Baxter Kruger ‘Dare to be Loved’ Session 8 (Sat open evening): what is is to hear the Father speak our name…….knowing Papa’s love and acceptance

Baxter Kruger ‘Dare to be Loved’ Session 7

Baxter Kruger ‘Dare to be Loved’ Session 7 (Sat afternoon): Baxter emphasises our inclusion in Christ, and finishes with some Q&A

Baxter Kruger ‘Dare to be Loved’ Session 5

Baxter Kruger ‘Dare to be Loved’ Session 5 (Saturday morning): a brilliant talk in which Baxter sets out the clear Biblical case that it was man that put Jesus on the Cross, and not the Father forsaking him.

Baxter Kruger ‘Dare to be Loved’ Session 1

Baxter Kruger ‘Dare to be Loved’ Session 1 sets out the basics for a Trinitarian understanding of the Gospel

Baxter Kruger ‘Dare to be Loved’ Session 2

Baxter Kruger ‘Dare to be Loved’ Session 2 builds on the Trinitarian understanding of our inclusion in Christ

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