Recent Talks

David Hewitt: Why we are here

On the church weekend away at Comrie Croft, in beautiful Perthshire, David shares some thoughts on what we are about……. It is preceded by two ‘History & Destiny’ testimonies from two young families in the community, Sharon & Chon and Grzegorz and Ania.

Ian Andrews testimony

In the Wellsprings Sunday gathering Ian gives a moving account of his own journey with healing, and an encounter with Baxter Kruger

Ian Andrews Session 2: healing

Ian Andrews shares how we can all receive words of knowledge and see the sick healed

Ian Andrews Session 1: healing

Ian Andrews teaches on healing: we can all be involved!

Allan & Lizzie Cox: God is Good

Allan & Lizzie Cox visit and share encouraging stories of God’s interventions

David Hewitt: Empowered by the Spirit

David looks at 1 Corinthians chapters 1-2 to consider Paul’s emphasis on the empowering of the Spirit when communicating the message; foolishness to the world, but to those that believe, the wisdom of God.

David Hewitt: Walking IN the Lord

David explores the rich Biblical metaphor of ‘walking’ with/in God and what that means to us through the gospel of Grace

Colin Symes: Jacob

Colin sharing the wonderful story of Jacob /’Israel’ [please note: volume may need to be increased on this talk]

Incarnation: David Hewitt

David shares some insights into the wonder of the Incarnation, from Universe to Baby! [n.b. there is a gap before the recording starts]

Peace in the midst of crisis: Martin Neil

Martin shares some recent insights on the source of enduring peace

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