Recent Talks

MIW workshop: Song of Songs (1)

David Hewitt and Andy Au give an introduction and overview to the amazing love poem, the Song of Songs, and consider its significance

David Hewitt: Colossians 2:8-3:4

David homes in on this key passage of scripture and unpacks the freedom we now enjoy because the ‘written code’ was nailed to the Cross.

David Hewitt: Colossians 1

David introduces a new series on Colossians, looking at some of the wonderful themes in the opening chapter. [NB correction, the prison letters include Colossians, Ephesians and Philemon, not Thessalonians as suggested]

David Hewitt: The Nicene Creed

David unpacks the significance of the Nicene Creed 325 AD ending with Godfrey Birtill’s song about the same.

Rupert Ward: ‘Do you see this woman?’

Rupert gives an inspired, insightful study of Luke 7:36-50 when a woman comes and anoints Jesus’ feet at the house of Simon the Pharisee

Marjory Morrow: The Power of Blessing

Marjory considers the significance of speaking the Aaronic Blessing (Numbers 6:22-27)

The Insouciant Believer

Insouciant? Listen and see! David Hewitt unpacks the new nature of the believer.

Mother’s Day Musings

David Hewitt considers the transforming power of God

Bill Vanderbush Q & A

We had a breakfast meeting, after which Bill answered questions that had been written down & handed to him. Unfortunately the recording stopped after about 25 minutes…..

David Hewitt: Connected

David compares the mixed blessing of always being connected (by smart phone) to the greater connectedness that is ours in union with Christ!

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